Particle Physics Seminars

Particle Physics Seminars take place in the West Seminar Room (B2), Physics West, on Wednesdays at 1315, unless listed otherwise. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served at 1300.

Contact John Dowell for further information or to suggest additional speakers.

Autumn Term 2001

Date Speaker Institute Title (Abstract)
3 Oct. David Charlton Birmingham Experimental Tests of the Standard Model
10 Oct. Paul Newman and Chris Hawkes Birmingham Results from HERA, BaBar and Belle
17 Oct. No Seminar - -
24 Oct. IOP Meeting QMW CP Violation
31 Oct. No Seminar - -
7 Nov. Peter Richardson Cambridge Beyond the Standard Model Physics at the LHC
13 Nov. Tuesday John Carr CPPM Marseille ANTARES: A Neutrino Telescope in the Mediterranean Sea
21 Nov. Subir Sarkar Oxford Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and New Physics
28 Nov. Peter Jones Birmingham Results from RHIC
5 Dec. John Cobb Oxford Atmospheric Neutrinos and Beyond
12 Dec. Postponed 6 Feb. - Higgs Physics in the Standard Model and Supersymmetry: Status and Perspective

Spring Term 2002

Date Speaker Institute Title (Abstract)
9 Jan. Postponed 6 Mar. - Recent Results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
16 Jan. Carrie Johnson Birmingham Inclusive Diffraction at HERA
23 Jan. Postponed 20 Feb. - Higgs Prospects at the Tevatron
30 Jan. Alan Watson Leeds Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: the present position
1 Feb. *Friday* C4 project talks, 3 x (15+5min.) Birmingham Programme
6 Feb. Georg Weiglein Durham Higgs Physics in the Standard Model and Supersymmetry: Status and Perspective
13 Feb. Paul Soler Glasgow Neutrino Physics at NOMAD
20 Feb. Peter Ratoff Lancaster Higgs Prospects at the Tevatron
27 Feb. Gavin Poludniowski Manchester Vector Meson Production at High-t: a test of BFKL physics at HERA
6 Mar. (1615) David Wark Sussex/RAL Recent Results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
7 Mar. *Thursday C4 project talks, 3 x (20+10min.) Birmingham Programme
13 Mar. Postponed 15 May Multiple Peaks in the Cosmic Microwave Backround
20 Mar. David Knowles Birmingham Analysis of Rare B-decays at BaBar

Summer Term 2002

Date Speaker Institute Title (Abstract)
24 April Richard Batley Cambridge Results from the NA48 experiment at CERN
8 May Valery Khoze Durham Prospects for New Physics studies with tagged forward protons at the LHC and Tevatron
15 May Alessandro Melchiorri Oxford Cosmological Parameters: Status and Prospects
5 June George Isaak Birmingham Can one check on a non-zero Cosmological Constant using our own galaxy? : Cosmogony at red shift zero
26 June Paul Harrison Queen Mary Discrete Symmetries in Neutrino Oscillations

Last updated, 23 May 2002.