Particle Physics Seminar, 15 Jan. 2003

Particle Physics Seminar

Date: Wednesday 15th January 2003

Title: CDF Status and Prospects for Run 2

Speaker: Dr Tara Shears (Liverpool)


CDF Status and Prospects for Run 2

CDF is one of two p-pbar collider experiments at the Tevatron accelerator, in Chicago. Following an extremely successful data taking run ("Run 1") which ended in 1996 and was distinguished by the discovery of the top quark, extensive upgrades were made to both the experiment and the accelerator. Run 2 began in March 2001, and is forecast to collect up to 6.5 fb-1 of data at the highest centre-of-mass energy (1.96 TeV) in the world. I will review the upgrades CDF has performed to take advantage of these conditions, and the physics reach that we hope to achieve, and show what we have achieved so far.

This Particle Physics Seminar takes place in room Orlit O02 on Wednesday at 1315. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served at 1300.