This presentation will describe efforts towards development of two new clinical facilities for
Birmingham. The main focus will be on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) and efforts which
have been ongoing for some years to develop a clinical facility based in the Medical Physics
Building of the School of Physics and Astronomy. The current status of BNCT Internationally and
of the Birmingham project will be reviewed, with particular focus on recently funded projects
from EPSRC on the fundamental radiobiology of BNCT, and from CR-UK on the delivery of boron to
tumour cells.
This will be followed by an overview of the potential benefits of proton radiotherapy and
efforts to bring this highly advanced radiotherapy treatment modality to Birmingham. The current
NHS postion will be described and the ouline plans for a facility at UHB will be described.
Pre-clinical dosimetry work which is ongoing on the Birmingham cyclotron will also be outlined.