Particle Physics Seminar, 4 Dec 2002

Particle Physics Seminar

Date: Wednesday 4th December 2002

Title: HERA Physics as a Preparation for the LHC

Speaker: Dr. Jon Butterworth (UCL)

As well as giving unrivalled precision on the structure of the proton from deep inelastic scattering, HERA can also mimic a hadron-hadron collider. In both cases it functions as a precision QCD machine with the possibility for selecting several independent hard energy scales. Existing data from HERA I and possible measurements at HERA II thus allow calculations for jet and heavy flavour production to be confronted with a wide variety of precise data. Examples are given of how the understanding of these processes impacts directly on the physics potential of the LHC.

This Particle Physics Seminar takes place in room Orlit O02 on Wednesday at 1315. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served at 1300.