Particle Physics Seminar, 23 February, 2005

Particle Physics Seminar

Date: Wednesday 23thFebruary 2005

Title: The Linear Collider: Microscope on the Higgs Boson and Supersymmetry

Speaker: Dr Philip Burrows (Queen Mary, University of London)


I will review the new physics discovery possibilities at the electroweak symmetry-breaking scale to be explored at the International Linear Collider and the Large Hadron Collider. I will summarise and quantify the precision measurements that can be made at the Linear Collider and discuss how they will extend our knowledge beyond what is learned at the LHC. I will discuss briefly the growing international effort to realise the Linear Collider and the part the UK hopes to play in this major enterprise.

This Particle Physics Seminar will take place in Seminar Room 2 (room 106), Physics West, at 1315. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served at 1300.