Particle Physics Seminar, 26 January, 2005

Particle Physics Seminar

Date: Wednesday 26th January 2005

Title: T2K - Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment

Speaker: Dr Gary Barker (Warwick)


Experimental results over the last few years have proven beyond reasonable doubt that neutrino oscillations really do occur in nature. Neutrino physics is now entering an era where precision measurements of the mixing parameters are needed. The T2K project in Japan is the best placed of the `next generation' oscillation experiments to significantly advance knowledge in this area. This talk will briefly review the current status of the effort to measure the neutrino mixing parameters before presenting the T2K experiment and the proposed UK involvement in the project.

This Particle Physics Seminar will take place in Seminar Room 2 (room 106), Physics West, at 1315. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served at 1300.