Particle Physics in Birmingham

Particle Physics Seminar

Wednesday 16th May 2018 at 13:30
Poynting Small Lecture Theatre

(tea, coffee and biscuits served at 13:15)

The Future of the Higgs Boson

Victoria Martin (Edinburgh University)


Since it's discovery just over 5 years ago, measurements of the Higgs boson at the LHC, have revealed its mass, couplings to the weak vectors boson and evidence for couplings to the third generations quarks and leptons.  However, there are many other predicted properties of the Higgs boson, including CP properties, decay width, couplings to second generation fermions and its self-couplings. In this talk, I will present the some of the prospects to make precision measurements of the Higgs boson in future facilities including the HL-LHC, ILC, CLIC, FCC and the LHeC, and argue that the Higgs boson still has the potential to surprise us!