The MicroBooNE detector is a liquid argon time projection chamber
that has been operating in Fermilab's neutrino beamlines since 2015.
Although primarily designed to measure neutrino interactions, the
high intensity meson beamlines coupled with the high resolution
detector and excellent high-multiplicity electron, muon or pion
identification, allows other New Physics searches, such as for
decays of long-lived particles. We have recently released
competitive limits on a Higgs-Portal scalar model, where a new
scalar field mixes with the Higgs boson, can be produced in kaon
decays, and decay to lepton or pion pairs. This model attracted some
interest due to its ability to explain an excess of neutral kaon
decays reported by the KOTO experiment. In this talk I will present
these recent MicroBooNE limits on this and similar models, and will
give an outlook of further searches that can be perfored in this and
future Fermilab neutrino experiments.