The accurate determination of Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs)
of the proton is a crucial ingredient for the physics program of the LHC. PDFs
are one of the most important sources of theoretical uncertainty in the
predictions for Higgs boson production, induce large uncertainties for
high-mass New Physics particle production and they affect precision SM
measurements such as the mass of the W boson and the effective lepton mixing
angle. For these reasons, an active program towards better PDFs is being
carried out by different groups, based on using new experimental inputs, more
accurate theoretical calculations and on improving the fitting methodology. In
this talk I present the new generation of PDF sets based on the NNPDF
methodology, and study some of their phenomenology at LHC Run II, including
their role for Higgs coupling determinations, precision predictions for
high-mass SUSY production using threshold resummation, implications of LHC
charm data for neutrino astronomy, and PDFs for electroweak calculations.