Particle Physics Seminar, 1 Nov. 2000

Particle Physics Seminar

Date: Wednesday 1st November 2000

Title: MINOS - The Main Injector Neutrinos Oscillation Search

Speaker: Dr. Alfons Weber (Oxford)

Since a few years several experiments indicate that Neutrinos exhibit a behaviour not predicted by the standard model of particle physics: one neutrino flavour may transform itself into another. MINOS will be the first experiment to measure these neutrino oscillations (suggested by the Superkamiokande atmospheric neutrino measurements) in a well controlled environment. Neutrinos produced by the Fermilab main injector, will be measured by the two MINOS detectors. One will be located at the Fermilab site to measure the neutrino beam composition at production, the other will measure it 730 km away after oscillation may have modified the beam composition. The talk will summarise current indications for neutrino oscillations, the status of the MINOS experiment and its sensitivity.

Particle Physics Seminars take place in room B03, Physics West, on Wednesdays at 1315, unless listed otherwise. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served at 1300.