Date: Wednesday 8th February 2006
Title: ILC Accelerator Wakefield Experiment
Speaker: Dr Nigel Watson (Birmingham)
Precise collimation of the beam halo is required in the ILC to prevent beam losses near the interaction region that could cause unacceptable detector backgrunds. Very small apertures of the ILC collimators lead to transverse wakefields that may result in beam deflections and increased emittance. A dedicated programme to measure collimator wakefields has been performed at SLAC over several years, and I report on the next phase of this, which will be carried out at the recently commissioned End Station A test facility at SLAC. Beam damage of collimators is also discussed.
This Particle Physics Seminar will take place in Seminar Room 2 (room 106), Physics West, at 1315. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served at 1300.