The standard model (SM) Higgs sector predicts exactly one physical Higgs
boson with CP-even couplings to the SM particles. The observation of a
spin-0 boson by the ATLAS and CMS experiments with mass around 125 GeV
appears to fulfil this prediction, however, many extended Higgs sectors
can also accommodate such a particle. These models usually predict
modified couplings and/or properties of the 125 GeV boson, which can be
directly tested by precision Higgs measurements at the LHC. In several
such models the Higgs interactions with SM particles can also violate CP
conservation. Observing such interactions would conflict with the SM
predictions, and may provide insight into the observed excess of matter
over antimatter in the universe. This seminar will discuss the latest
Higgs to tautau results from the CMS experiment using 137/fb of 13 TeV
data collected between 2016-2018. This will include cross section
measurements for the dominant Higgs production modes and differential
measurements in the Simplified Template Cross Section (STXS) scheme. The
first direct measurement of the CP properties of the Higgs to tau tau
coupling will also be presented