Particle Physics in Birmingham

Particle Physics Seminar

Wednesday 13th February 2019 at 13:30
New Lecture Theatre W117

(tea, coffee and biscuits served at 13:15)

Avant-garde LHC

James Beacham (Duke University)


Why hasn't the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) discovered anything beyond the Higgs boson? Because you're thinking about particle physics in the wrong way. The current moment necessitates a shift in mindset toward previously less-emphasized searches for things like long-lived particles, exotic decays of the Higgs boson, and evidence of QCD-like dark sector hadronization. I will report on some of the non-standard searches I have pursued at the LHC so far and discuss ideas for the near future and the HL-LHC (and beyond), including how the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) upgrade can likely assist such searches. I will also discuss our current efforts to share expertise and knowledge about long-lived particle searches among the LHC experiments and theorists with the LHC LLP Community initiative. Finally, I shall place particle physics in a larger societal context and briefly examine how new ways of framing and discussing high-energy physics with non-specialists can greatly affect the broader impacts of our work.